KM-related IT Tools and Quality Management
- Quality Management software, at present is very focused on functionality related to QM
- Diverse in nature, with an emphasis on specialized functionality rather than comprehensiveness
- Not strongly oriented toward integration with Enterprise multi-tier computing architecture
- Not up-to-date with respect to recent IT innovations such as distributed computing and intelligent agents, powerful content management software, EIPs, collaborative software, text mining software
- in short, QM software is at the beginning of its evolution in an enterprise context
- EIP software could integrate diverse QM software applications
- It could also integrate QM software into the enterprise computing structure, thus making acceptance of the software more palatable
- Software for supporting communities of practice can support knowledge production about quality
- Knowledge portal software supporting e-CRM can provide support for continuous assessment of customer needs and wants, and better measurement of the “voice of the customer”
- Text mining and semantic networking software can strengthen knowledge claim formulation about quality as well as collaboration on quality models and projects
- Quality management has already begun to use Balanced scorecard, group decision processing, modeling and data mining tools
- In general, there is already some overlap between KM- related IT tools and QM-related software applications.
- In the future, this overlap will grow
- Eventually knowledge portals will provide a context for QM software application support and will supply a broad range of general functionality for quality management
Just what the doctor ordered, thnkaity you!
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